
Why Are My Guppies Dying? (and how to stop them?)

Why are my guppies dying? There are three main reasons guppies can suddenly start to die. They are poor water quality, low oxygen levels, and diseases. Another major reason guppies die suddenly is due to high or low water temperatures following a heater failure. I first started keeping guppies over 30 years ago when I was

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How Big Do Guppies Get? (Surprising information)

How big do guppies get? On average, male guppies grow to approximately 0.6″–1.4″ (1.5-3.5cm) and female guppies grow to approximately 1.2″-2.4″ ( long. Actual adult size varies according to a number of factors including diet, water quality, and genetics. Guppies are one of the most widely kept tropical fish in the freshwater fish-keeping hobby. I first

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