Fish Keeping Answers

The fastest growing source of fish keeping knowledge on the internet!

ESHA 2000 - Everything You Need to Know

eSHa 2000 is a chemical fish treatment which has been designed to treat a number of different symptoms and diseases in both tropical and coldwater aquariums. Unfortunately eSHa 2000 is not suitable for marine aquariums. eSHa 2000 treats both primary and secondary bacterial skin infections, fungal infections as well as skin and gill parasites.

Freshwater Sumps: An Ultimate Guide

Sumps have been used to filter aquariums for decades. They have always been really popular amongst those fish keepers who have marine aquarium setups, but less popular in the freshwater fish keeping community. In this article I look at sumps for freshwater aquariums and consider many of the pros and cons.

How To Set Up An Oscar Tank

Oscars are large, powerful fish. They need to be kept in an environment that matches their needs. The tank must be large enough, the water must be clean and heated, the decorations shouldn’t pose a risk to your oscar. Get the tank set up correct and your oscar will reward you by being a lovable pet that hopefully lives with you for many years.

Pearl Gourami Frequently Asked Questions?

In this article I have addressed some of the questions about Parl Gourami that I am asked on a regular basis.

Silver Tip Tetra Ultimate Care Guide

At first glance, the Silver Tip Tetra is a fairly dull, grey fish. Nothing to get excited about. However, keep the Silver Tips in large enough numbers and its beauty becomes obvious. A school of Silver Tip Tetras measuring 30, 40 or 50 fish, moving back and forth across the aquarium looks simply stunning.

What Do Pictus Catfish Eat

Pictus Catfish (scientific name: Pimelodus pictus), are an active, bottom dwelling catfish native to the Amazon and Orinoco river basins. Pictus catfish spend most of their time searching for food using their elongated whiskers.I am often asked, 'What do Pictus Catfish eat?'

What Other Fish Can Live With Goldfish?

A large tank with 10 fancy goldfish bumbling around is just a pleasure to watch. However, I understand there are occasions you want to add some variety to your goldfish tank. Over the years I have tried a number of different combinations and I’ve listed 12 of my favorites in this article

Why Are My Mollies Fighting?

So you are sitting watching your mollies fighting and chasing each other around the tank thinking to yourself, ‘I thought mollies were a peaceful fish’. You find yourself sitting there wondering 'Why are my mollies fighting?'

What Size Aquarium Does My Oscar Need?

Oscars are one of those fish everyone wants to keep at some point. They are big fish and need an aquarium of a suitable size. In this article we have a look at what size aquarium they need.

How Much Does It Cost To Run An Aquarium?

If you are looking to buy a new fish tank, or you have an existing aquarium, you may be wondering how much it costs to run an aquarium. You may be surprised by the results.