The fastest growing source of fish keeping knowledge on the internet!
Camallanus Red Worms are most often associated with livebearing fish including Guppies, but they can infect any fish, and the worms have been recorded in countless species of fish around the world.
eSHa exit treats the most common ‘spot’ diseases, such as Ich (whitespot) and also some of the less often seen, although just as deadly and contagious spot diseases such as Pepper Spot, Black Spot and Coarse Spot.
Ever heard of an aquarium made of wood? Sounds crazy right? In fact, plywood aquariums have been popular in the hobby for decades. Aquariums made of plywood are strong, economical to build and long lasting, providing they are built properly.
It can be incredibly frustrating when your guppies appear to die for no reason. You haven’t done anything different to before, but they just seem to be dying. You may find yourself sitting there thinking 'Why are my guppies dying?'
To solve the problem of how much substrate you will need for your aquarium, I have written the following article, looking at all the most popular aquarium substrates, and then creating a table for each substrate, letting you know how much you will need for your tank based on a 1” layer, a 2” layer or a 3” layer.
Kribensis are one of the easiest members of the Cichlid family to breed. Get yourself a pair, set the aquarium up correctly and they will spawn. Kribensis are excellent parents who protect their babies. So if your Kribensis aren’t protecting their young, you may be wondering 'Why are my Kribensis eating their babies?'
You look into your beloved oscars tank and see him lying on his side on the bottom. You naturally think the worst. Before you go into panic mode, just take a minute. The majority of the time it’s nothing serious. For fish, oscars are surprisingly intelligent. They can even get in a mood if you upset them.
It can be so disheartening when your goldfish start to die for no apparent reason. You sit there looking into your goldfish aquarium thinking you haven’t changed anything. You might be wondering 'Why are my goldfish dying?'
Oscar fish have tonnes of personality, that’s why we love them. They are a true wet pet! The problem is, all that personality can come at a cost. Your Oscar can occasionally act like a stroppy teenager and stop eating. In this article we look at the reasons why.
Kribensis are popular with both experienced and new fish keepers alike. New fish keepers are often concerned when they see one or both their kribensis are ‘shaking’. In this article we look at the reasons why.
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